About Our Staff

Meet Our Administration
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McCown Dr. NathanDr. Nathan McCown Head of School
Where did you attend college? Bryan College (B.A.); German Sport University Cologne (M.Sc.); Liberty University (Ed.S.); Troy University (Ph.D.)
What is your favorite Bible verse? Galatians 5:22-23 - There is no law or rules against God's Spirit guiding our thoughts and actions. We are invited to freedom as we grow in God's own character which is Jesus' invitation in following him.
What do you love about JFCA? The people. God's provision and blessing through the people He brings together in our community is humbling. From our leaders and teachers, to our parents and students, to the families we serve, our greatest asset and blessing as a school is the people and our shared commitment to God's work in and through JFCA.
Fun Fact: I have lived on three continents with two years in Africa and three years in Europe.
Williams PaulPaul Williams Assistant Head of School
Role and Responsibilities:
- Discipline
- Oversees finance/budgeting
- Safety/Security
- Management of Front Desk/Administrative Assistant, Enrollment Manager, Director of Marketing & Communications, and Lunchroom Manager
- Special Project Management
Where did you attend college? Tennessee Temple University; Georgia State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? 1 Peter 1:7 - My desire is to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ.
What do you love about JFCA? The people.
Fun Fact: I am an avid Denver Broncos fan.
Apanay Dr. MalindaDr. Malinda Apanay Dean of Academics
Role and Responsibilities:
- Developing, managing, and reviewing curriculum
- Leading accreditation processes
- Strategizing and guiding classroom instruction
- Oversees student achievement
- Manages schoolwide assessments
- Supports teachers, students, and families in areas associated with academics
Where did you attend college? Bethel University (BA); University of St. Thomas (MA); Liberty University (PhD)
What is your favorite Bible verse? James 1:3 - It reminds me that we will undergo tests of faith so that we might develop endurance.
What do you love about JFCA? I love witnessing students develop academically, spiritually, and relationally.
Fun Fact: I have lived in six different states.
Mathews AprilApril Mathews Dean of Faculty
Role and Responsibilities:
- Recruitment, onboarding, and mentoring of all new faculty
- Provides leadership and support to faculty
- Manages the processes through which teaching is conducted and administered
- Evaluates teaching faculty for the purpose of ensuring a quality, Christ-centered educational experience for students
- Oversees all instructional technology and Canvas
Where did you attend college? Shorter University (BS); Mississippi State University (MS); Gordon College (EdS)
What is your favorite Bible verse? Colossians 3:23-24 - It reminds me of bigger purpose in my work.
What do you love about JFCA? We are a community of believers.
Fun Fact: I’m left-handed but right-eye dominant.
Meadows NitaNita Meadows Dean of Community Life and Discipleship
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Oversees all athletics, Fine Arts, co-curriculars, dances, class trips, and graduation
- Ensures all aspects of community life are aligned with our mission to create a culture of truth, belonging, and purpose
Where did you attend college? University of Georgia (M.Ed.)
What is your favorite Bible verse? Ephesians 4:32 - it reminds me of how much God has done for me through Christ and my response to others.
What do you love about JFCA? I love the community! I also love the model and the way it gives me more time with my family!
Fun Fact: I was a character actor at Disney World.
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Bailey MargaretMargaret Bailey Accounts Manager
Role and Responsibilities:
- Billing
- Pledging and distributions of Georgia GOAL Scholarship program
- Oversees all accounting needs of the school
Where did you attend college? Kennesaw State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalm 121:1 - He is my help.
What do you love about JFCA? The community of believers.
Fun Fact: I've been to 48 states and will complete all 50 in spring 2025.
Bailey MollyMolly Bailey Director of Marketing and Communications
Where did you attend college? Kennesaw State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Jeremiah 7:23 - It brings out a phrase repeated multiple times throughout the Bible which is a reminder that He is our God and it is a comfort that we are His people.
What do you love about JFCA? The opportunity to connect with a community of believers.
Fun Fact: I once sat on the Great Pyramid.
Freeman BetsyBetsy Freeman First Impressions Coordinator
Role and Responsibilities:
- Greets visitors, parents, students, and staff
- Manages check in/out process
- Substitute teacher coordinator
- Manages calendars and serves as liaison with JFBC’s calendar scheduling
Where did you attend college? University of South Carolina
What is your favorite Bible verse? Matthew 6:34 - we all need this reminder
What do you love about JFCA? I love the community!
Fun Fact: I've climbed Mt. Fuji.
Moore DanaDana Moore Enrollment Manager
Role and Responsibilities:
- Oversees admissions program and all admissions processes including school tours, family interviews, and admissions acceptance decisions
- Schedules admissions events including open house, grade-level preview meetings, and new family orientation
- Supports family onboarding, engagement, and retention
- Selects and oversees the Welcome Committee
- Selects and oversees the Student Ambassador Program
Where did you attend college? University of Georgia
What is your favorite Bible verse? Proverbs 3:5-6 - It is a constant reminder to trust the Lord in everything I do and He will be my guide.
What do you love about JFCA? The emphasis on building relationships. The families and staff are amazing!
Fun Fact: I have an identical twin sister!
Rodgers WillWill Rodgers Director of Academic Advancement
Role and Responsibilities:
- Academic progress
- Attendance
- Make-up testing
- Dual enrollment tracking
- Report cards
- Assists with transcripts
- Georgia Futures
- HOPE Scholarship assistance
Where did you attend college? The College of William and Mary; Liberty University (M.Ed.)
What is your favorite Bible verse? Joshua 1:9
What do you love about JFCA? We get to speak truth into the lives of our students and their families.
Fun Fact: I used to ride dirt bikes and surf.
Schunk ReneaRenea Schunk Director of Academic Advising
Role and Responsibilities:
- Assists students in developing effective study skills, time management strategies, and organizational techniques to support academic success
- Provides guidance in course selection, scheduling, and academic planning to ensure students meet graduation requirements and pursue their academic goals
- Assists students in exploring their interests, skills, and values to help them make informed decisions about future career paths
- Provides resources and guidance for researching career options, exploring college majors, and understanding the job market
- Helps students prepare for the college application process by providing information about college entrance exams and guiding students through the college selection and application process
- Offers resources and support for scholarship and financial aid applications
Where did you attend college? University of Mississippi; Texas Christian University; Liberty University; Kennesaw State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Ephesians 1:18
What do you love about JFCA? The students.
Fun Fact: I am a co-founder of the school.
Summey TylerTyler Summey Director of Athletics
Role and Responsibilities:
- Oversees all athletic teams
- Schedules athletic games and practices
- Ensures compliance of all athletic teams with the Georgia Association of Private and Parochial Schools (GAPPS)
- Manages the JFCA spirit wear store
Where did you attend college? Georgia College and State University; The University of Georgia
What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalm 23 - It led me to learn more about Jesus and ultimately accept him as my savior.
What do you love about JFCA? The hybrid model - it's the best mixture of in-person schooling and allowing kids time to be at home.
Fun Fact: I enjoy fishing, hunting, barbequing, and baking sourdough bread.
Meet Our Faculty
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Angel JennyJenny Angel High School Biblical Worldview, TMU Macroeconomics, and Personal Finance TeacherAbout Me
Chung ChristinaChristina Chung High School Physics and Middle School Physical Science TeacherAbout Me
Jackson KerryKerry Jackson High School Bible, Art, Missions & Geography Teacher; Elementary Art TeacherAbout Me
Angel JennyJenny Angel High School Biblical Worldview, TMU Macroeconomics, and Personal Finance TeacherAbout Me
Chung ChristinaChristina Chung High School Physics and Middle School Physical Science TeacherAbout Me
Jackson KerryKerry Jackson High School Bible, Art, Missions & Geography Teacher; Elementary Art TeacherAbout Me
Andrews LindaLinda Andrews Seventh Grade English Teacher
Where did you attend college? Georgia State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Jeremiah 29:11 - It’s always comforted me knowing the Lord had a plan for my life.
What do you love about JFCA? I love so much about JFCA, and I feel so blessed to be here. I think I would say the support from students, parents, and colleagues is at the top of the list.
Fun Fact: I love sports more than my husband and son, and I was at both the 1995 World Series game and the 1982 College Football National Championship game supporting the Dawgs!
Angel JennyJenny Angel High School Biblical Worldview, TMU Macroeconomics, and Personal Finance Teacher
Where did you attend college? Mary Baldwin University; Georgia State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Hebrews 10:23-25 - Jesus is our hope and strong foundation. These verses remind believers to stand firm in our faith while encouraging others to do the same.
What do you love about JFCA? I love the community at JFCA, getting to know my students and colleagues, and having the privilege to pray for them.
Fun Fact: I grew up on a large farm in rural Virginia. The county I grew up in still doesn't have any stoplights!
Bartlett HeatherHeather Bartlett Seventh Grade World History Teacher
Where did you attend college? Butler County Community College; Kansas Wesleyan University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Philippians 4:13
What do you love about JFCA? JFCA provides a community that genuinely loves and cares for one another.
Fun Fact: I was once in the audience of Family Feud.
Bogle JoshuaJoshua Bogle High School Latin Teacher
Where did you attend college? Bryan College; Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Villanova University
What is your favorite Bible verse? James 2:14-20 – It highlights the connection between our actions and our true beliefs.
What do you love about JFCA? I appreciate the flexibility JFCA provides to students, families, and teachers.
Fun Fact: I once rode my bicycle over 120 miles in one day.
Bullock StephanieStephanie Bullock Seventh Grade Thrive Teacher
Where did you attend college? University of Georgia (B.S.); Georgia State University (M.Ed.)
What is your favorite Bible verse? Ephesians 3:20-21
What do you love about JFCA? The warm sense of community.
Fun Fact: I love baking bagels for my family!
Chung ChristinaChristina Chung High School Physics and Middle School Physical Science Teacher
Where did you attend college? Brenau University
What is your favorite Bible verse? 1 John 1:3b-4 - Jesus Christ, my joy complete. It is all I need! My foundation, my strength, my rock who will never leave me, forsake me, or let me go.
What do you love about JFCA? The connections I get to make with my students with the passion that God has given me for teaching.
Fun Fact: Did someone say spirit day?
Clark MelissaMelissa Clark Fifth Grade English, History, and Bible Teacher
Where did you attend college? University of Virginia (M.Ed.)
What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalm 16
What do you love about JFCA? I love being able to talk about Jesus in the classroom, and the wonderful school culture that we enjoy.
Fun Fact: I lived in Siberia for seven years, and I also have three kids that graduated from JFCA.
Cochran Dr. CaseyDr. Casey Cochran High School Latin and Bible Teacher
Where did you attend college? Emory University; University of Georgia; Regent University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Colossians 1:15-22 beautifully explains who the Lord Jesus is and who we are in relation to Him.
What do you love about JFCA? Administrative support, parental support, and student attitudes.
Fun Fact: I was born in the middle of the last century.
Collini LaurenLauren Collini Seventh Grade Science Teacher
Where did you attend college? Kennesaw State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - I love this verse because it gives three steps to follow to help you be in line with God's will for you.
What do you love about JFCA? I love the culture of JFCA and the part-time schedule so that I can have a good balance between being home with my children and teaching.
Fun Fact: I graduated from JFCA in 2012.
Copeland NancyNancy Copeland High School Math Teacher
Where did you attend college? Wake Forest University (BA); Georgia State University (MS); Kennesaw State University (BS)
What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalm 27:13-14 - When I worked at a behavioral hospital, I saw so much despair, and I needed to remind myself that I would see the goodness of the Lord not just in heaven, but here on earth, too.
What do you love about JFCA? The staff is genuinely supportive of each other.
Fun Fact: I acted in high school and college, and I was Miranda in Shakespeare's The Tempest.
Eaton TracyTracy Eaton Sixth Grade Science Teacher
Where did you attend college? Mississippi State University; Shorter College
What is your favorite Bible verse? I love Isaiah 42:6 because it confirms the Lord, while calling me in righteousness, will walk with me in my journey so I can be a light for others.
What do you love about JFCA? What is not to love?! Gracious, supportive administration and fellow teachers. Vibrant, creative students that continuously share the love of Jesus, and make me a better person each day!
Fun Fact: I've been to almost 40 states.
Elliott TracyTracy Elliott High School American Government Teacher
Where did you attend college? Furman University; University of South Carolina School of Law
What is your favorite Bible verse? Ephesians 2:4-5 - I love the promise of God's grace and mercy.
What do you love about JFCA? I love the community!
Fun Fact: I grew up at JFBC.
Fisher JobethJobeth Fisher Sixth Grade English Teacher; Elementary P.E. Teacher
Where did you attend college? Boyce Bible College; Union University; Universidad de Alicante; Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
What is your favorite Bible verse? Romans 10:15 - because our feet are made beautiful when we share the Gospel with others.
What do you love about JFCA? I love how each student is seen and known.
Fun Fact: I have lived overseas most my life.
Garner GwenGwen Garner High School Geometry and ASL Teacher; Eighth Grade Math Teacher
Where did you attend college? Ithaca College; Abilene Christian University
What is your favorite Bible verse? 1 Corinthians 10:3 - It's a great reminder that even mundane daily tasks can be done for the glory of God.
What do you love about JFCA? Everything at JFCA is approached from a biblical worldview with Christ as the center. I love the flexibility of in-class instruction paired with satellite work days both as a teacher and for my own kids, while still being part of a vibrant community where students and staff can build relationships and participate in extracurricular activities.
Fun Fact: I was a music major in college and have a basic proficiency on every band and orchestra instrument.
Garner McCallMcCall Garner High School Digital Design Teacher; Yearbook Advisor
Where did you attend college? University of Georgia; University of North Georgia
What is your favorite Bible verse? Mark 3:13 - This verse describes how Jesus was on a mountain when he called his disciples to Him. I love hiking and trail running, and my soul resonates with the metaphor of discipleship being similar to climbing a mountain. Following Christ is an active and daring call and not a passive, sit-in-the-pew lifestyle. Jesus invites us to join Him on a great adventure of loving God and loving others!
What do you love about JFCA? JFCA students are the best. I've never worked with a more respectful and kind group of students who love Jesus and want to shape their lives after His word. I also love their creativity and teaching them new skills and ways to express their ideas.
Fun Fact: I've backpacked from Georgia to Virginia on about 450 miles of the Appalachian Trail. It was wonderful and awful all wrapped into one amazing experience. I hope to one day complete a thru-hike!
Gilbert GayleGayle Gilbert Middle School Math Teacher
Where did you attend college? University of Georgia
What is your favorite Bible verse? Philippians 4:6-7 - I love that this verse gives us the antidote to anxiety.
What do you love about JFCA? I love the community of people and culture!
Fun Fact: I once won free Chick-fil-A for a year for camping out and being one of the first 100 customers at the location.
Gonsalves TaraTara Gonsalves High School Honors U.S. History Teacher
Where did you attend college? University of Southern Mississippi; Murray State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Romans 8:31-39 is my favorite because it gives me hope. It reminds me that if God is for me, nothing can stand against me, and no matter what challenges or hardships I face, nothing can separate me from His love. I love the assurance that, through Christ, I am not just surviving—I am already victorious, no matter how difficult life gets. It’s a constant reminder of God’s unwavering presence and love.
What do you love about JFCA? There is so much I love about JFCA, but if I had to pick one thing, it would be my amazing students! Not only do they perform exceptionally well academically, but they also push and challenge me in the best ways. Plus, they are genuinely funny and keep me laughing.
Fun Fact: I like to make stained glass.
Grantham CaraCara Grantham Eighth Grade Thrive Teacher
Where did you attend college? University of Georgia; Georgia Southern University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Romans 8:28 - This verse is a continual reminder that God's plan is greater than my own and I can trust him in all things.
What do you love about JFCA? I love getting to be a part of my students' lives as they develop spiritually and academically. It is amazing to see them grow into the individual God has called them to be.
Fun Fact: I grew up on a farm with cows, horses, chickens, and donkeys.
Hanson KendraKendra Hanson High School English and Bible Teacher
Where did you attend college? University of Georgia; Georgia State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Isaiah 55:8-13 - God can make a way when all seems lost. He's the only one who can turn everything around.
What do you love about JFCA? I love the focus on biblical integration in all aspects of learning.
Fun Fact: I ran one marathon and I will probably never do it again!
Harter KristenKristen Harter Seventh Grade Math and Bible Teacher
Where did you attend college? Furman University; Wake Forest University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Philippians 4:6-7 - It is a great reminder to look to Jesus when I am anxious.
What do you love about JFCA? I love the relationships I get to build with the students and the focus on growing in faith.
Fun Fact: I was born in Portland, Oregon and have lived in 11 different states.
Heinle GloriaGloria Heinle Fourth and Fifth Grade Science Teacher
Where did you attend college? Cairn University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalm 17:15 and Job 13:15 - These verses remind me of who I am in Christ and where my focus should be.
What do you love about JFCA? I love the close connection amongst students and teachers.
Fun Fact: I am the middle of five siblings.
Herring KristineKristine Herring High School Honors English and Bible Teacher
Where did you attend college? Illinois Wesleyan University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Romans 4:17 - I love the idea that God can call into existence whatever we are lacking. We are all lacking something every day, whether it be peace, joy, compassion, or patience. But despite our deficit, God can usher in abundance.
What do you love about JFCA? The community of teachers.
Fun Fact: I was vice commodore of my college sailing team.
Hunt BrianBrian Hunt High School Advanced Composition Teacher
Where did you attend college? Cortland State University; Barton College
What is your favorite Bible verse? Matthew 6:33 and Proverbs 37:3-5 - for a simple way to walk with the Lord.
What do you love about JFCA? The students!
Fun Fact: I was once invited to tryout by the Washington Redskins.
Hunt SarahSarah Hunt Sixth Grade History Teacher
Where did you attend college? Agnes Scott College; Georgia State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Ephesians 2:10 - It is so cool to think that God has prepared good works for me to do and all I have to do is just walk in them.
What do you love about JFCA? The people on the staff at JFBC and JFCA are all rowing hard in the same good direction. This is my happy place.
Fun Fact: I was the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Nutcracker!
Jackson KerryKerry Jackson High School Bible, Art, Missions & Geography Teacher; Elementary Art Teacher
Where did you attend college? Mississippi State University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
What is your favorite Bible verse? Exodus 31:1-6 - I find it no coincidence that the first person listed in the Bible as being filled with the Spirit of God to accomplish a task was an artist!
What do you love about JFCA? I love the opportunity that I have to disciple and mentor young Christian artists and to help them discover that they can use their talent to help fulfill the Great Commission.
Fun Fact: I used to be in an 80’s Christian rock band called 7th Angel.
Jakstadt KarlaKarla Jakstadt Second Grade Teacher
Where did you attend college? Texas A&M University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalms 118:24 - It reminds me that God has given me a new day to rejoice!
What do you love about JFCA? I love the community of teachers, parents, and administration who are all working together to teach students the joy of learning as well as sharing the love of Jesus with them.
Fun Fact: I play percussion in a community orchestra.
Jastrzembski KatieKatie Jastrzembski Eighth Grade History Teacher
Where did you attend college? University of Florida
What is your favorite Bible verse? Philippians 4:4-9 - There is so much packed in these short verses. The reminder of all that we have to be thankful for and to rejoice over, particularly his nearness, love, and mercy! The invitation to come to the Lord with all our petitions and concerns, demonstrating his compassion and kindness. The promise of peace in all circumstances. The reminder of what to keep our minds fixed on – the Lord – he is the source of all things true, lovely and admirable. And finally, Paul’s encouragement to follow him as he follows the Lord. This is what I strive for as a teacher. May I be leading by example the joy of following Jesus!
What do you love about JFCA? The community of believers encouraging one another to walk in the ways of Jesus and building up the next generation!
Fun Fact: I have lived in 8 states and moved 19 times in my life!
Johnston TammyTammy Johnston Kindergarten Assistant
Where did you attend college? Georgia State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Matthew 6:33
What do you love about JFCA? Watching the students I have had over the years grow into amazing young people who love Jesus.
Fun Fact: My four children have all graduated from JFCA.
Kendall EllenEllen Kendall Fourth and Fifth Grade Math Teacher
Where did you attend college? Southern Connecticut State University; Georgia College and State University; Mercer University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Isaiah 61:1-4
What do you love about JFCA? The students!
Key PaulaPaula Key High School World History Teacher
Where did you attend college? Liberty University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalm 27:4
What do you love about JFCA? JFCA is a place where students can grow and thrive in an environment that nurtures a vibrant fellowship with the Lord.
Fun Fact: I do not watch the History Channel.
Moore DanaDana Moore First Grade Teacher
Where did you attend college? University of Georgia
What is your favorite Bible verse? Proverbs 3:5-6 - It is a constant reminder to trust the Lord in everything I do and He will be my guide.
What do you love about JFCA? The emphasis on building relationships. The families and staff are amazing!
Fun Fact: I have an identical twin sister!
Morgan WhitneeWhitnee Morgan First Grade Teacher
Where did you attend college? Emmanuel Christian College; University of Phoenix
What is your favorite Bible verse? Philippians 4:13 - As a shy child I was very nervous to try new things or be bold and this scripture, told to me by my late grandmother, helped me become more outgoing and less fearful.
What do you love about JFCA? The relationships that I build with families.
Fun Fact: I love to dance!
Ogletree ElizabethElizabeth Ogletree High School Honors Biology Teacher
Where did you attend college? Georgia State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Isaiah 40:31
What do you love about JFCA? Being able to praise Jesus during school, integrating God’s word into school lessons, and the godly support system JFCA provides.
Fun Fact: I’ve been on family feud; pulled an unconscious driver from his overturned gas tanker truck; and drove a stretch limo in Miami transporting music producers to their events.
Prock KathrynKathryn Prock Kindergarten Teacher
Where did you attend college? Auburn University; Oglethorpe University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Isaiah 40:31- I love how we are reminded of God's strength when we put our trust in Him.
What do you love about JFCA? I love the community and support it provides for families, including mine.
Fun Fact: I was a small business owner that catered fresh baked goods to churches around Georgia.
Ramsey JenniferJennifer Ramsey Kindergarten Assistant
Where did you attend college? Georgia State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Philippians 4:8
What do you love about JFCA? The extra time I get to spend with my family.
Fun Fact: I have been kayaking with the alligators in the Okefenokee!
Schunk AlanAlan Schunk High School Chemistry and Apologetics Teacher
Where did you attend college? Georgia Institute of Technology
What is your favorite Bible verse? 2 Corinthians 12:9 - His grace is sufficient for any situation and His power is most evident when I am weak.
What do you love about JFCA? Working in such a Christ centered environment and interacting with such wonderful students.
Fun Fact: I was the first JFCA varsity boys basketball coach.
Searcy AngelaAngela Searcy Third Grade Teacher
Where did you attend college? Mercer University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Jeremiah 29:11 - This verse is a reminder to me that God is for me and not against me. No matter what the world throws my way, He is there for me and loves me.
What do you love about JFCA? I love that I get to share the love of Jesus with my students and their parents. It is such a blessing to be able to talk freely about the One who saved me. At JFCA, we truly live up to the name Christian school.
Fun Fact: I grew up on a farm in Louisiana and have helped birth a calf!
Seiden MatthewMatthew Seiden Theater Director; High School Public Speaking Teacher
Where did you attend college? New England College
What is your favorite Bible verse? Romans 5:1
What do you love about JFCA? The students are awesome.
Fun Fact: I am a movie actor.
Shadden DaleDale Shadden High School Math Teacher
Where did you attend college? University of South Carolina
What is your favorite Bible verse? Proverbs 3:5-6 and Jeremiah 29:11 - These verses remind me that God has a plan for my life and my job is to trust Him every day.
What do you love about JFCA? I love interacting with my students, encouraging them in their faith, and hopefully, being a part of their learning to like (love) math!
Fun Fact: I love giraffes!
Smith AmyAmy Smith Second Grade Teacher
Where did you attend college? Kennesaw State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Jeremiah 29:11 - This is always the verse I lean on when times seem hard and I need to trust the Lord!
What do you love about JFCA? I love how everyone loves Jesus! It is so nice to be able to teach and point students to God's word!
Fun Fact: The students always love how much I love donuts!
Sowell CatherineCatherine Sowell Fourth Grade Language Arts, History, and Bible Teacher
Where did you attend college? Stephen F. Austin State University; San Diego State University (M.Ed.)
What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalm 47:7 - For God is King over all the earth.
What do you love about JFCA? Everything!
Fun Fact: I am a former bee keeper!
Spiller NicoleNicole Spiller High School Math Teacher
Where did you attend college? University of Alabama
What is your favorite Bible verse? John 16:33 reminds me not to get discouraged when things are hard!
What do you love about JFCA? The positive energy, kindness of staff and students, and living out what we say we believe!
Fun Fact: I married my high school sweetheart!
Tucker MeganMegan Tucker High School Science Teacher; School Nurse
Where did you attend college? University of Tennessee
What is your favorite Bible verse? John 15:4 - It is a reminder that Jesus wants to be with me in all things and at all times. Abiding. Remaining. The mental picture of sitting, being right with Jesus just makes me smile the biggest smile. This promise that He will remain with me is the ultimate comfort in this crazy world we live in.
What do you love about JFCA? The teachers/staff and the community.
Fun Fact: I have a soft spot for vulnerable animals and children and have fostered both for over 10 years.
Vigoroso SharonSharon Vigoroso High School English Teacher
Where did you attend college? Kutztown University of Pennsylvania; Arizona State University
What is your favorite Bible verse? Joshua 1:9
What do you love about JFCA? I love the students at JFCA. There is something so special and set apart about the Saints students. It is encouraging and brings promise for this generation of leaders.
Fun Fact: I've lived in 8 different states, two foreign countries, and 15 different homes so far in my life. I have lived in Georgia, in the same house, longer than I have ever lived anywhere else.
Wallace MariahMariah Wallace High School Science Teacher
Where did you attend college? Valdosta State University (Ed.S); Troy University (M.Ed)
What is your favorite Bible verse? Isaiah 40:26 - This verse speaks to who God is as a creator, He is powerful enough to make all the Heavens and yet He cares enough to know each star by name. The same God who created everything knows each one of us and cares for us, too.
What do you love about JFCA? The community!
Fun Fact: I love to travel and have been to all 50 states and three continents.
Whatley CarolynCarolyn Whatley Third Grade Teacher
Where did you attend college? Auburn University; Agnes Scott College
What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalm 1 - How we are to live in obedience to the Lord is clearly laid out. What a blessing to have this incredible word!
What do you love about JFCA? I love the fellowship of believers, the support from administration and parents, and the freedom to share about the Lord and His word.
Fun Fact: I was the little girl reaching into the medicine cabinet in the St. Joseph’s Aspirin for Children ad.
Yoder RebeccaRebecca Yoder Sixth Grade Thrive Teacher
Where did you attend college? Clearwater Christian College
What is your favorite Bible verse? Isaiah 26:3
What do you love about JFCA? I love the support and care of administration.
Fun Fact: I am in a band.
Ziegler RachelRachel Ziegler Kindergarten Teacher
Where did you attend college? Berry College; Walden University (M.Ed.)
What is your favorite Bible verse? Ephesians 4:32 is one of my favorite verses as it reminds us how to live like Jesus.
What do you love about JFCA? I love being able to pray with my students every day.
Fun Fact: I lived and taught abroad in China and Hong Kong!